Living abroad limits your ability to watch TV, see movies, even receiving local news. My Spanish is limited, and people here talk realllllly fast. Even if I could understand Spanish reasonably well, they speak so fast I’d be lost in 3 seconds flat.
I rely a great deal on the internet and various other digital sources. I have thousands of files on external hard drives dedicated to education and family photos, music, movie’s, and the biggie business. I’m sure other writers have the same issues.
How do you keep it all organized?
What if my phone, computer, tablet is stolen?
In an effort to keep everyone entertained, educated and backed-up. We’ve decided to purchase an at-home video server/cloud storage device. 
I know 16 TB holy cow Batman that’s big. Nope, we have 6TB of stuff already. I am sure we can add another 3TB’s no problem.
The best part is this device will work with PLEX making it all wireless and available on every device in the house. I can’t wait to kick all the cords and consolidate our data. Wish me luck.